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Miniature American Girl Doll Food and More

Miniature American Girl Doll Food and More

My name is Dylan, and I am an artist who enjoys modelling polymer clay into scaled miniatures and offering them online through eBay and Etsy. I enter local contests regularly and my miniatures have won numerous times in the top of the category.

I predominately sell 1:3 scale polymer clay miniatures which fit 18" dolls, but are collectible and can can be made into jewelry or be used as party favors. I take my time and use top-brand polymer clay, glaze, and resin to ensure you have a quality product.

I offer premade packages on my eBay and Etsy stores, or you can customize your own package to be listed on eBay or Etsy on the "Build-Your-Own" section. I may have some other items worth checking out from time to time as well!


* Presently I only sell in the United States.*

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eBay Logo- Miniature American Girl Doll Food and More
Etsy Logo- Miniature American Girl Doll Food and More

Feel free to leave me any comments, questions, suggestions, or thoughts!


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